Social Ministry

And he answered them, “Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.”
Luke 3:11

Serving the poor and the needy has been a part of Zion Church’s mission since it’s very beginning. Indeed, service to others is at the very heart of our faith. Baltimore City is the focus of our mission, most particularly our own neighborhood here in the Gay St. / Lexington area.

The Door Ministry

This is a year-round program; a small group purchases food and packs brown bag lunches for the hungry and those in need.

The Harvest Table

In late fall, we intensify our efforts. A table is set up in the Church where canned and prepackaged foods is left for donation. In early December these boxes of food are then given to various shelters and organizations around the City.

Angel Tree/International Lutheran Seafarer’s Mission

Each year during Christmas time, a small group assembles boxed presents to be given to sailors who are staying in the Port of Baltimore on ships, away from their homes and families. This work is funded by the Angel Tree Project.

Zion Garden Socials

Monthly community gatherings in Zion’s beautiful gardens in the heart of the City of Baltimore. Open to all. Rain or Shine. Clonk link for more information

These are just a few ways that Social Ministry functions at Zion. If you would like to help in some way or would like further information please contact the church office.